From Pedro Gil to the streets of Espana to the halls leading to the Intensive Care Unit

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Will this matter five years from now?

Living in the city is wonderful. The fast paced life and the mountains of shopping malls, intertwined with cable TV and rockstars, gives the citydweller a cosmopolitan outlook in life. I've been living in the city for as long as i could remember.. i've been breathing the carbon monoxide of cars, trucks, buses, and lost humanity. It is easy to get lost in the city, literally and figuratively. Competitions are endless. What is the best school? What is your standing in class? How much money do you have? How many social gatherings do you go to in a year? Are you the president of your company? Social status here and there. Here , you are accepted for "what" you are.
Visiting my province was a culture shock for me. People really don't care how much money you make.. you could go to a party there and people wont notice that you are wearing an armani, or that you are sporting the new Ralph Lauren perfume. At first, I felt sorry for them. It's like, My God! These people don't even know who Jerry Seinfeld is! They are content with local TV shows, working the whole day, visiting friends and relatives during their sparetime and a whole lot of things that we city people find "boring". What? No clubs?...
A week after, I was singing a different tune. I could actually envision myself living this life!
Why do we have a knack for complicating things when it is the simple things that really makes us happy? Why do we keep searching for happiness in all the wrong places? Why the need to accumulate possessions you could flaunt during daytime, when during the wee hours of the night, all you really want is someone to hug and say goodnight to?
Like lying on the beach, stargazing with your friends and you realize that you only have a dollar in your pocket...normally, you would worry, but here, it doesn't matter. Little things that used to annoy you or make you worried, vanishes into thin air. People there are more interested with who you are. IT is therapeutic to say the least. Now I pity the city people or any person who thinks that possessions and status would complete them. It doesn't. It just makes you want for more... I pity those who stand at the ebb of their life who look back and could only force a weak smile, realizing that they should have built relationships and not empires... wanting to go back but realizing it to be impossible.
I hope that eventually i would be able to remove all the clutter in my life. Things that doesnt really matter shouldn't really bother me. Simplify would have to be my motto. I don't want to live a life i'll regret later on. So, the next time you are caught in an anxiety attack about some trivial non life changing things, ask yourself, will this matter five years from now?

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