From Pedro Gil to the streets of Espana to the halls leading to the Intensive Care Unit

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Crunch Time for those Infinite Medical Exams

Date: 31 Jul, 2001

Exams are a dime a dozen in med school, so while our classmates were busy studying for the Surgery exam, my friend and I chatted the time away. We talked about movies that basically made us think... about love and destiny. We both don't have a "special friend" ( remember how Gwyneth described Ben Affleck?) right now.. actually we never had any. I am no wallflower, I've had my share of suitors but i really don't entertain them... Why? Because i believe in something called destiny. Now i don't know if destiny is something our mothers made up just to make us wait but i believe it's true... it has to be true... :) I really believe that somewhere out there, there's one person whom God is preparing especially for me... I don't know who he is... Have i met him? I don't know... Have we crossed paths before? Is he Josh Hartnett (of Pearl Harbor) hehehe :) I don't have the answers, but I know that at the proper time and place, I'll meet him. I don't want to sell myself short.

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