From Pedro Gil to the streets of Espana to the halls leading to the Intensive Care Unit

Thursday, December 28, 2006


Date: 5 Sep, 2001

I go to this coffee shop and i guess i am one of their regular customers... Actually i am the only regular customer of that shop. Too expensive i guess, but the ambiance there is well worth the somewhat average food. Anyways, this cashier girl came up to me and started asking questions about my studies. I told her that i am taking up medicine and that all in all, medicine is an additional ten years of schooling after high school. I think she already asked me the same question before and i think i elicited the same answer. This girl would always get some twinkle in her eyes when i mention the word "doctor". "Doctor" - twinkle. "Doctor"-twinkle. "Doctor"-twinkle. I found out yesterday that her dream in life is to become a doctor but she doesnt have the money to pursue that dream...

Why is medical education expensive or any education for that matter? If we are to battle the poverty that is crippling our nation, we need to know that education, quality education is the way to go. There needs to be a reprioritization. (to the background of michael jackson's heal the world :))

More of this when i have the time.

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