From Pedro Gil to the streets of Espana to the halls leading to the Intensive Care Unit

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Designated Driver for Life

Sleeping is perhaps one of the most valued "action" of medical students. We rarely get to do it and when we do, pangs of guilt would come across for not studying. The superego (as Freud would put it) has been most ingrained in our minds.
Sometimes I think that medical students were insomniacs during high school, and getting tired with all the late night TV shows, they decided to enter medical school as a hobby. We take a nap not during the night, but during lectures and occassionally (God forbid) during examinations.


So anyways, my friend Twinkle, invited me to a drinking spree this Friday. The objective, I think, was to get drunk... only problem here is i really don't drink. Well, actually, "really" should be removed. I don't drink. Twinkle jokingly told me that i should just order bottomless iced tea. She also said i should learn how to drive so that i could always be the designated driver. Hahaha :) I don't mean to offend the drinkers, I am not being self righteous or anything, but i really dont like the taste. its like drinking bitter herbs... or maybe my taste buds are merely unsophisticated...i'd like to believe it's the former. Coke is still the best drink for me... mmm coke and nacho chips - that's gourmet food for me! Give me coke or give me death.

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