From Pedro Gil to the streets of Espana to the halls leading to the Intensive Care Unit

Thursday, December 28, 2006

"I refuse to choose"

Date: 23 Aug, 2001

I have two dear friends who generally dislike one another secretly. Well at least one of them doesnt like the other. Anyways, this other friend (R) of mine would always come to me when she has problems and i am more than happy to listen to them and offer her a shoulder she could cry on. She is the type of girl that needs to have a lot of emotional support. Twinkle, on the other hand is a very strong girl. Small things doesnt bother her as much as it bothers R. R is very affectionate to me and not that affectionate to her roommate and my dear friend twinkle. I know that twinkle is merely joking when yesterday, R invited me for snacks (something was wrong with R for my classmate saw her crying a while ago) and twinkle told me that i was choosing R over her. I know it was all joke but twinkle has a way of making me feel guilty for things i shouldnt feel guilty about. :)
I really couldn't give R much of my attention yesterday as twinkle and andy showed up in the same resto. I felt guilty "being" a friend to R, but she needs me to be there. R is not as strong as twinkle. I hope twinkle gets that. So twinkle, i refuse to choose. I value your friendship as well as R's equally. Unequal attention but same value

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